
is your GO-TO Menstrual Solution!


What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is a reusable silicone cup that collects menstrual fluid instead of absorbing it like pads and tampons.

How do I choose the right size Momdaughts' cup?

The right size cup will depend on your menstrual flow, pre-babybearing status (virgin or not), and childbirth history (number of vaginal deliveries). Momdaughts may have a size chart or quiz on their website to help you choose the right size.

How long should I breastfeed my baby?

Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months: No formula, water, or other liquids.

Continued breastfeeding for at least 2 years, alongside complementary foods. Breastfeeding can continue as long as both mom and baby desire.

What should I do if milk is leaking?

Follow these tips to resolve leaks:

  • Ensure your sitting posture is correct.
  • If leaking from the silicone, check if it's properly snapped in; if not, replace it.
  • Align the notches if the milk pour hole is the issue.
  • For flange hole leaks, check your posture or replace the duckbill.
  • Inspect the collection or motor hole for cracks and secure it tightly.

Is a menstrual cup safe to use?

Yes, Momdaughts' menstrual cups are safe to use when inserted and removed properly. They are made from medical-grade silicone and do not contain any harsh chemicals.

How can I get more details about the product and its usage?

Each product page contains comprehensive details, and we include a usage guide with every purchase. For additional help, our customer support team is readily available to assist you.

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